Interior Remodel / Interior Design

Discover the possibilities of interior remodeling, regardless of the size or scope, anything is possible. From contemporary kitchen renovations to bathroom makeovers to entire home renovations, we'll transform your space into a personalized space that reflects your style and enhances your everyday living.

The range of the services involved depends completely on the needs and wants of the client, as much budgetary as for their space. Every project is different and every services is tailored to those differences.

  • Project analysis: discover the client, the space and the goals behind the renovation.

  • Concept development: Interior layout ideas, 3D modelling of the space, materials & finishes.

  • Design plans: Develop the conceptual plans into plans that are ready for construction. (Electrical, Doors and windows schedules, construction detailing, and more.)

  • Additional services can include assisting in finding a contractor, sourcing materials, project management, etc.